Filling the oil in your lamp: A priority after pregnancy or infant loss

So it has been a hot minute since I could get back to some semblance of normality.

I have had to really step back and give myself permission to rest …. Which is NOT how I roll but my body has ensured that permission slip has been signed, sealed and delivered!!

I always bang on about self care, thinking that what I was doing for myself was enough. It was not. So in keeping with my 2022 word - INTUITION - I took a long hard look at what was going on. What I figured out was, even with the energy management work I had done - I was still overestimating how MUCH energy I had to spend in a day.

So I broke it down - I urge you to do the same. Where was the oil in my lamp going??? What things are using a % of my daily energy that I hadn’t really thought about?

> I’m still breastfeeding.

> I am significantly deaf (but cannot wear my hearing aids most days due to squealing toddlers).

> I am back in the retail Pharmacy world one day a week (mainly to remain active in that area and to socialise).

> I have 1 child that does not think sleep is important.

> I have PTSD, have survived trauma.

> I have depression/burnout

> I am primary carer for two small humans.

> I am human and I have been tired for 5 years!

> I am solepreneur of a business that requires a lot of energy and self preservation

> I am still a grieving mum.

All of this plus more take various gulps of oil from my lamp. I have now acknowledged I have been running on the smell of an oily rag.

Now I am focussed on refilling that oil reservoir…. This includes:

I paint (watercolours)

I prioritise rest (trying to do this without guilt)

I spend time with friends

I spend time alone

I set boundaries

I plan & prepare where I can

It all helps …

This is a huge favourite quick video of mine for all the loss mummas out there who are exhausted, overwhelmed, feel like they have nothing left to give…. Have a watch, it’s beautiful:

In what areas of your life are you spending energy you would rather keep to use elsewhere??

What do you do to refill your lamp?

Lots of Love



Forever Firsts when parenting after loss


FIVE (years of life after baby loss)