To help you through your grief
Baby Loss Resources
A library of articles, tools and freebies designed to help you through baby loss.
Where Healing Meets Hope after Baby Loss: Supporting Women in Business Through Baby Loss with a Rural Focus
Where Healing Meets Hope after Baby Loss: Supporting Women in Business Through Baby Loss - a rural focus on what is important in supporting baby loss mums.
Free Resources and Worksheets
Fill your cup worksheet
This worksheet is designed to help you brainstorm ideas to fill your cup and build the energy needed to move through overwhelm. It includes 30 ideas for your mind, body and soul.
grief relief activity cards
These cards feature simple activities to inspire you to find some relief when you’re feeling overwhelmed by grief.
mindful mandala colouring book
Colouring pages for baby loss mums to practice mindfulness and self-care, with beautiful mandala designs to bring a sense of peace and calm.
A virtual memorial garden for our babies
Edward’s Garden was created by me for the Blossum’s community. I wanted somewhere that we could honour our babies and also see that they are surrounded by so many others and will never be alone on this journey.
If you would like a virtual flower planted for your baby or babies, please submit below their name(s) and up to 2 date(s) if you would like that memorialised as well.
Links to Services & Support
National Association for Loss and Grief supporting NSW communities, families & individuals experiencing loss and grief. Branches in Dubbo, Mudgee, Bellingen/Nambucca, Hunter and Sydney.
Sands supports bereaved parents 24/7 following a miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death.
BOH provide crucial information and embrace families during their difficult time of loss, and beyond.
Lifeline is a national charity that provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to phone, online and face-to-face suicide prevention and crisis support services. There are local chapters of Lifeline so that face-to-face is more achievable.
Find out more
Shop now
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Gift Boxes
As a pregnancy and baby loss practitioner, I understand the emotional complexities of this time and the significance of thoughtful gestures often missed in bereavement.
Choose from the collections I have already curated or let me help create a special box that celebrates the memory of the loss with love, understanding and respect.
podcasts and interviews
I’ve been interviewed by some amazing podcasts and radio shows
STEP, Pivot.
Join me and Alexandria Treasure in a conversation about Loss, Light and Love. We'll discuss the importance of connection and community, how to start by adding oil to your lamp first, honouring your past, finding a way through grief and grace after loss, seeking answers, speaking openly, supporting and nurturing those you love, lighting up the Clocktower, balancing business with empathy, and making emotional wellbeing a priority in the modern workplace.
Listen Now
the green chair.
In this episode I speak with Danielle Maidens in her Podcast The Green Chair. I talk about my passion for working with baby loss mums, and it was fitting, as it aired during Pregnancy and Infancy Loss Awareness Week. I talk about my own loss journey and how I came to found The Baby Loss Mentor.
Listen Now
(Oh, While you are at it, show your support for The Green Chair podcast by purchasing a lip balm HERE )
2021 PAIL Awareness month interview with abc’s nic healey
Interview with ABC Western Plains Local Radio host Nic Healey, following the Australian Parliament officially recognising ‘Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day’, to acknowledge families who have lost a baby through stillbirth, infant death or miscarriage.
Listen Now
Work with me
Take the First Step and Reach Out for Support
Book The Next Step session and receive personalised, compassionate guidance to move through grief.